Lutter contre les cernes : quelle stratégie ?

Fight against dark circles: what strategy?

Giving a tired, “bad look”, dark circles can have distinct causes. And when they are installed, reducing them can quickly become a headache... But solutions exist, particularly of natural origin!...

Fight against dark circles: what strategy?

Giving a tired, “bad look”, dark circles can have distinct causes. And when they are installed, reducing them can quickly become a headache... But solutions exist, particularly of natural origin!...

Prévenir l’apparition des signes du temps : à partir de quel âge ?

Preventing the appearance of signs of aging: fr...

The mechanisms of skin aging begin well before the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, which will be followed by a loss of volume and a loss of density. If...

Preventing the appearance of signs of aging: fr...

The mechanisms of skin aging begin well before the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, which will be followed by a loss of volume and a loss of density. If...