Lovers of the Ocean and the Lands that border it, we want to be active players in their protection. And we get involved every day so that we live in a better world, today and tomorrow.

Also, our history is built on strong commitments:

  • All of our products are certified organic by an independent organization, ECOCERT. In addition, we are labeled by the COSMEBIO association for our ecological and societal commitment.

  • We only use active ingredients of natural origin, with the conviction that marine plant worlds are better for your skin than chemistry and synthesis.

  • We pay strict attention to the environmental impact of our packaging, selecting recyclable and some recycled materials.

  • We have decided to reduce the volume of packaging as much as possible and have removed the box from almost all of our products.

  • We oppose overconsumption and have developed a limited range of products with multiple functions and benefits. How? By incorporating an exceptional number of active ingredients in each of our products. More active ingredients per product means fewer different products used.

  • We favor short circuits with 100% “Made in France” production, and by selecting our partners in France.
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